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Asiakkaamme kertovat kokemuksiaan yhteistyöstämme. Jaamme työnäytteitä tuottamistamme tai kuvaamistamme tuotannoista. 

Reportaasi The Economist-lehdelle (Posti / Infosys)

In August '23 I had to undertake a Branded Content shoot in Helsinki with Finland's national postal and logistics carrier, as well as multinational IT service provider. 
While looking to contract a local Camera Operator I came across Mika (Helsinki Video Productions Oy).  He had a well presented, very clear website with full list of kit together with example clips that suggested this guy could do exactly what I needed, with professional gear.  What was very impressive was how agile Mika and his colleague were, really stripping down the kit into roller cases that allowed us to film at 2 different locations, transferring via taxi van. Mika gave it everything and was quick and efficient in between set-ups. I have no hesitation recommending Helsinki Video Productions Oy.

Carlos Pena, The Economist


Helsingin videotuotanto Oy mainosvideo
Tuotanto: Helsingin videotuotanto Oy
Kuvaus/edit: Helsingin videotuotanto Oy
Puurakentamisesta kertova videosarja (Puuinfo)
Tuotanto: Tavaton Media Oy
Kuvaus/edit: Helsingin videotuotanto Oy
Profi6 -rekrytointivideosarja (Aalto Yliopisto)
Tuotanto: Aalto Studios
Kuvaus/edit: Helsingin videotuotanto Oy
Kendo - lajiesittelyvideo (Helsingin kendoseura)
Tuotanto: Helsingin videotuotanto Oy
Kuvaus/edit: Helsingin videotuotanto Oy

LINKKI: Posti/Infosys -Branded content
(Kuvaus: Helsingin videotuotanto Tuotanto: The Economist) 


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